Monday, July 30, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Freedom you call it?

Would you wanna be free as a bird? or would u rather be free as a flag?The freedom of a flag is limited.A flag has always got two ends of it tied to a pole.To support it.So that it can always stay up in the air.Resembling something.It cannot fly away even if it wants to.Though its windy o not, its got only a restricted space to move about.
On the other hand, a bird can fly anywhere it desire.And sometimes when the wind is strong, it would alter the path of the bird because sometimes it does not have the strength to move against the wind.And unlike the flag, the birds have to move with its own as it got nothing to support.And a bird has got the chance to be shot down by a hunter too.
So readers would you rather be the totally independent bird? or the side tied flag? Think again!
since 26th is the Independence day of the Republic Of Maldives, I would like to Greet all the Maldivians a very happy independence day.And enjoy your "freedom"
Sunday, July 22, 2007

So lets see...
Three Things I Can't Do
1. Read Peoples mind!!
2. Smoke
3. Fly
Three Things I Can Do
1. Sit near a computer with internet
2. Eat alot
3. Play Ps2
Three Things That Scares Me
1. God
2. The Judgement Day
3. Loosing Sumone close to me.
Three Things I Love
1. Internet/computer/everything related :D
2. My family
3. Dear Friends ;)
Three Things I Hate
1. Thinking too much
2. doing exams
3. waiting
I Tag:
Free Spirit
Gudluk with it
Friday, July 20, 2007
Perfect Stranger

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The first one is
1-Example, If your parents arnt happy about your GF/BF would you listen to your parents who had looked after you for so long and be on their side? or would you choose your loving GF/BF (reasons?)
2-Would you wait and be patient for the one you love to be yours even if it takes years of your life?and do you believe long distant relationships would work? (reasons?)
its simple isn't it? try answering them
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

NoTe: Before you read this.-If you arnt in to argue-ing in religion disbeliefs, please do not read any further.This is what i think.Your view might be different.
In some peoples view certain things are prohibited in the religion.And they strictly obeys and believes in it.It sounds like a good thing.It is good.But let me give you an example of what i am talking about.A girl and a Boy is having sex. And they arn't married.This girl wears her veil even when they had sex.And the boy is kind of confused and asks her "why do you never remove your veil?" And the girl gives the guy a surprised look and says."WHAT? don't you know? its prohibited in the religion to remove the veil in front of a guy accept for family and husband." thats just one story.and that is real.
[got one more story.but it is a lil dirty so i am not postin it here]
My question is Why believe in half of it?sum say " ehbai rangalhu kurevigenun aneh bai rangalhu kureveynee" rangalhu vaahaka eh.ekamaku dhera vanee "anebai" rangalhu nukureveythee.So wat do u think?
Thursday, July 05, 2007
A lil Change

Sunday, July 01, 2007
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