The first one is
1-Example, If your parents arnt happy about your GF/BF would you listen to your parents who had looked after you for so long and be on their side? or would you choose your loving GF/BF (reasons?)
2-Would you wait and be patient for the one you love to be yours even if it takes years of your life?and do you believe long distant relationships would work? (reasons?)
its simple isn't it? try answering them
1. I ll talk to both! cox thats how its gonna be solved... even if that doesnt solve, i ll go for GF! cox i m sure one day parents are going to admit my girl...
2. If she is the best yeah i ll wait... but will not wait for a hi n bi gal...
1. Well if u are a guy your parents cant stop you. But in my case, since im a girl my parents can stop me when it comes to marriage but I wouldn't have chosen my parents since i truly love my boy and I would prove it to my parents being with him is the happiest thing they can do for their daughter but thank god my parents love him too.
2. Well sometimes its a waste of time. There maybe someone you love more you know. You may love a girl for a long time but you're not getting anything from her but there maybe another girl who loves you a lot, who can make u happy for the rest of your life. In that case I would advice you to go for the girl who loves you than go for the girl you love. But if the girl you love is so important to you then choose her :)
And yes long distance relationships would work in my opinion if both partners truly love each other and trusts them. Reason: If only love and no trust is there one of them would have a strange feeling that the other is disloyal to them. And it wont be long before the relationship is broken. But if both of them trusts and be loyal long distance relationships can work.
Hope my answers are satisfactory hehe
1- First I'll try convincing my parents... if they doesn't agree.. then i'll leave him... well sacrificing the person u love is worth showing them how much we love our parents... =P *thnak god i didnt have to choose like that =D*
2- if i love him and if he also have some idea abt me then MAYBE but in another case if we both have been together and after a breakup if i had to wait for him.. i will sure wait for him until forever.. (L) =D dhen neygeyo.. =P hehhe
The Way I see it:
1. You don't get into a relationship, until you let your parents know, or you are sure that they will approve. If you are close to your parents, you know what they might approve or disprove. If you know it wont be possible, don't go for it. Its easier to suppress liking than it is to suppress Love.
2. if your relationship is worth it, its not that difficult to stay in touch and to make it work. it just requires a little more effort than it would otherwise.
1. ill choose my parents
2. yeah i think ill be patient but not for more than a year. long distance relationship works
hmm...interesting questions you've got there you know...heheh. ok. this is what i think.
1. i'll talk to my guy abt it and together him and i will try to prove to my parents that he actually is a great guy...and i'll talk to my parents to find out why they dont approve of him..maybe they might have a reasonable explanation, maybe not...if they have a reasonable explanation then id have to let him go dho..
2. you know..if both him and i are truly meant for eachother distance is not an issue...if he is willing to be strong during the seperation then i'd definitely be willing to keep loving him even while being apart..
but if i doubt him and think that he will go astray while im away from him, then i'd keep and open mind...
hope this helps..keep blogging..
as for question 1 .. i agree with hidhaya.. but mostly il try to do wat my heart says.. it is the best.. there r times tht ppl tinks tht who u r wit is not the rite one for u.. cox of sum stupid reason like the famili tht person cums frm.. i tink its u who wud know wot u want the most.. how tht person makes you feel.n wat u want out frm the relationship.. trying to make them understand mite work.. but im sure tht as time goes.. even though ur parent were against it.. they wud understand latr. tht u both were perfect for each othr. . its gud to keep in mind the vice versa 2..
to 2nd question.. i tink if it was me.. i will wait even if it takes years of my life.. n distant relationship do work.. but its v.v.v hard 2 maintain.. shud b v understandin n supportive n trustin..
1. I'd talk with my parents and gf to try solve the thing. It may work out fine.
2. Long distance relationships do work. But both should be understanding and supportive. They shud trust each other too.
1. go with the parents. but can try to talk n work out the probs. stil stil, parents above SO.
2. as for long distance relationsip; the idea works :S but depends on the cuple.
Kewl.The comments reali help :P and almost all the coments are long dho DarkangeL.Different ppl have different thoughts so everything depends on da people involved eh?
1. evves reason akaa nulaa parents gabool nuve eh nudhaane..emeehun emeehunge dhariakah dhera gotheh vaakah neydheyne..il have to trust my parents more than the boy frend..so il go with my parents.. ^.^
2. if i love some one and have to wait for that person..il wait for an extend..love's not everything in life..there are lots more..and there might be a person who loves me too..getting someone who loves you is better than getting someone you love..so gess il not waste my entire life waiting for him..but i may waste my entire life loving him..thats totally different eh?
nice post amhar =)
for da 1st q:im nt plannin on takin a gf.n if i were to it wud depnd.i gus i cud convinves both .i knw my parents.n so it vil depend on da gal.
for da2ndQ: yeah. n i believe for watever type of relationship to work it takes commitment.as lng as u hav dat it vil wrk,i believe
i think u askd those q to gt sum advice dho. :D
for da 1st q:im nt plannin on takin a gf.n if i were to it wud depnd.i gus i cud convinves both .i knw my parents.n so it vil depend on da gal.
for da2ndQ: yeah. n i believe for watever type of relationship to work it takes commitment.as lng as u hav dat it vil wrk,i believe
1-shweeeeet bunihen emeehaku emeehaku dharuyah dheragotheh vaakah neydheyne....so bf ahthure boda hama gaimuves thimaa dheke loabi vaanee bandu alhaa vihey maimeehaa aa bala bodukuri bappa dho..cant trust u gyzzzz....so ill go for parents
2-yap..emeehaku loabivaa mehaku komme gotheh viyas beynun vaane dho...ehenveema inthizaaru kuran jeheynee..n lon distance relationships do work..it depends on understanding and how much u trust each other
cool post amhar ..i like it:)
1. being not hapy doesnt mean dat ur parents hate him/her so if u think ur gf is worth anything then go 4 da trouble of findin out wat ur parents dnt like abt her n try to get them to like her cux there wil always b da possibility of changin minds.
2.u shudnt waste ur life on a single girl cux there is mo to life than girls n boys,wen u feel dat its never gonna hapen then start livin ur life n sm1 gud is sure to come along.cux u cn b hapy without 'da one' if u want,its al upto the way u think.
1. if it's a guy i love then i'll talk with my parents.. they'll agree anyway :P so doesnt mat much
2. again, if i truly love him, ill wait.. patience.. *sigh* hehe
i dont know about long distance relationships.. i mean, no first hand experience.. but i see someone really close to me with a happy life.. so work kuraathee dho ehen vaanee?
for question 1.. if i ever come to such a situation.. i would choose my parents.. they wont ever want anythin bad for us.. they devoted us thier entire lifetime.. am just lucky my parents believe.....
that my parents believe i have the rite to choose my own partners.. and i trust me enough that i would choose the best eprson for me..
for question 2.. love is the only thing that can teach u patience.. or so i believe.. if the person is really worth it.. even and entire lifetime would be too less to wait for the person..and ofcoz long diostance relationships works.. its not teh ditance that matters in a relationship.. its the commitment.. how far ur willin to go to make it work.. :)
wow... these are hard questions...
1.however much i care for someone i cudnt be with them against my parents wishes...
2.long distant relationships work... n ill wait for the person for as long as i feel that theres a chance that person will care for me... no use waiting like a fool for someone who would never feel that way about u
hw long a distance r we talkin abt?? a cm???? 2 cm???
Q1.u shud actually chose ur parents cos we just cant imagine wat our mothers have gone through bringing us up..only wen we have children..n mostly anyone who displeases his mother and dies in that state wud end up in hell..it is the 2nd major sin after shirk..so i guess we have no choise but to make our parents happy and take it from me i have a degree in BF/GF relationships at first it may seem the prerfect guy but later he can be ur biggest enemy..n for sum who r that desperat to get into relationships end up dating anyone they can get n end up doig everythin with him n he leaves her in the end...these relationships r not wat we see in the movies in real life its another story..its tricky ,messy n ugly...babies are being aboted due to this........and most people who leaves their parent 4 the GF/bf end up cumin back to the parents crying
Q2u cant wait ur whole life 4 sumone..by the age 20 most men are dying to have sex..thats part of our nature so my advise is find someone suitable for u through ur parents they will know who can be a gud wife 4 u.....it works n ive seen it....but after uve dated the guy for an year or 2 then get married most of the fun in getting married wud be spoiled by then ....
long distance relationships doesnt work.......once sexual relations have been established it wud be hard to live without it n if ur a man it wud be impossible to live without it ....so who can stay withut the wife 4 6 or7 mnths unless they r cheating..anyone being married here can understand n make sence with wat im saying
parnts brought you up...and love you...n wdnt want anything bad to happen to you...and will always think good for your future...if they dnt approve of your BF/GF,dey mst hav notices or know something about her/him dat hasnt come to your mind...bcs love is blind as they say.if i were you...i would listen to what my parents have to say...andc if its true or not with an unbiased reality chek.n ya.long dastance rlshnship dho....long distance can work...if you have trust and commuication...both together.but what is mot important is there shd be da spark btween both sides of the party...jst like in the begning.tc.cya arnd.
hey...relationships are in different ways.............so don't worry.............just relax....take care.....see ya.........
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