Everyone likes a change rite? well, most of the people does like changes every now and then.but not that every change is a good change. wel as u can clearly see [if u had visited my blog before that is] that the blog has got a completely different look.andddddd i dun like it at all. anyways dhiraagu is to be blamed.
.::Sud blame sumone rite::.. cx it wudnt allow me to upload the latest template i made.and i keep on loosin the conection wen eva i try to upload it.anyways i managed to upload this template.but is it gud? oh hey btw.u that picture up there? thats me and "you"[the "you" is still unknown.cant wait to meet you.lookin straight to my eyes.ooo.] ok back to the topic.so i just got bored of the old template and after like five hours of work i finaly managed to make a BIG change to my blog.it is suposed to be veiwed in mozila.and dun worry, it wil keep on changing from today onwards. so everyone c ya in da blogworld.take care.bye for now
not bad...kooodakoh kiyan undhagoo vanee..dhen ekam ok =)
yeah i was gonna say that too
and is the picture supposed to be in the middle of the window? its kinda odd :S
maybe becoz im viewing from mozilla?
neynge dhen..
i like it better than the old template :D
yeah.workin on a colour combination :S
I think that background is really cool. If you can just work on the color combination in the headings that could go well with the background, then it would look superb :). And also customizing your header would make it look nicer too :)
I, myself have been going crazy with my template as well... finally settled for something but i still don't like the header in mine :)
hehe templates not that bad :S its ohkaaay. :P hhee. reali like the pic. ;)n gudluk with the "you".. ;) :D
nice pic!
thanks..every one likes the pic :D lol
wat do u want in ur "you" i mean luks, personalty u know wat dho? :)
my "you dho..sud be 5ft5 ( wel but maybe a lil shorter o taller..it doesnt reali mater much) den ekam v reethi vefa model akaa vahtharu vaane..and..den sud be a virgin.(veery important) and den ulhumeh das vefa hunan vaanee..thts al..and oh yeah..sud love me. more thn i love her. :D adhi ves ithuru kuran jeheyne baeh kanthah.but wat eva..u interested? huz u Anonymous?
hi amhar!!! i m sumone whos not interested. but just askin. lets name me as flowergirl. so tel me more abt wat u want in dat girl. :) urs flower girl
Flower Girl : u can ask me abt it thru msn dho? thnk u
i m too shy amhar. when i m over it i will now only through dis. urs flower girl
lol.ok flower gurl :P
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