NoTe: Before you read this.-If you arnt in to argue-ing in religion disbeliefs, please do not read any further.This is what i think.Your view might be different.
In some peoples view certain things are prohibited in the religion.And they strictly obeys and believes in it.It sounds like a good thing.It is good.But let me give you an example of what i am talking about.A girl and a Boy is having sex. And they arn't married.This girl wears her veil even when they had sex.And the boy is kind of confused and asks her "why do you never remove your veil?" And the girl gives the guy a surprised look and says."WHAT? don't you know? its prohibited in the religion to remove the veil in front of a guy accept for family and husband." thats just one story.and that is real.
[got one more story.but it is a lil dirty so i am not postin it here]
My question is Why believe in half of it?sum say " ehbai rangalhu kurevigenun aneh bai rangalhu kureveynee" rangalhu vaahaka eh.ekamaku dhera vanee "anebai" rangalhu nukureveythee.So wat do u think?
hehe kewl...hama ranghlhu vaahaka eh..theega bunaane vaahaka eh neiy...emeehunee visney bayeh kamugai nuve eve..cheeers..
yeah dho. they just believe wat they wana believe. its like, modifyin religion so it fits ur style, so to speak. have sex coz u wana. but then, to compensate for that faafa, wear the burugaa. mayb they think the faafa wil b canceled by the wearin of the burugaa, though in my opinion, shez just wearin it to show off. of coz, i mayb rong.... u wud no better dho!! :P
oh too bad, I cant understand half of your. Do you just entertain the readers who can understand your language? :)
Well, from what I can make out... its not that people believe in half of the religion-its sheer ignorance. They don't know the logic behind what they are doing. There is always a logic and reason behind the religious teachings and rules but we seldom try to understand it, and then we don't do any good.
I just wish people would open their eyes now.
mihaaru mihisaabah aissa ulhey iru huhdha haraam ehen echakah balaa meehun varah madhu dho?
dhen mini thiakaa dheytherey bunaane kameh nei
komme meehakahves emeehaku amilla ah gabool kuraa kanthah thakuga hifahattaigen ulhuneema okay vaane..
dont worry about others.. just look after ureself
thats coz they believe in half of the truth me thinks :)
.mini :- umm..i dun like the way u think this time.i think..(maybe i am rong) but i think we sud let odas no wat we no.and try to corect as much as we no.and try to pass the knowledge as much as we can.cx i can do no gud by keepin it for ur self.rite?
hi amhar!!! i didnt know u were so dheenee. but i m definitely v glad to know dat. n i support ur idea of correctin others even though life is short. :-) urs flowergirl
Please improve your spelling. Hard to understand what your saying most of the time. Maybe then I can comment on what you have said. Cheers.
Flower gurl :- thanks
maail:- oh yeah sure.den kiyey varu veynu?
what's wrong with his spelling? :S:S:S:S
u r welcome amhar :-)
ps:- dat s frm me flower girl
hehe that was funny too u know..aslu hini falhagen dhiyae wen u said she wears her buruga while she has sex and that is hilarious keke...
ok ok on my side i mean what i think on the religious side..its not good to have sex if we are not married dho.. i mean its not allowed ennu dho.. dhen eyee emmenah ves egey kameh thaa dho..ekam varah madhu meeheh dho mihaaru non virgins akee ves...
the gurl is just another case of buruga-showoff cuz most of the gurls these days wear it as a fashion now..
dhen mee magey side un bunah oy ehchakee...hama eh ves nujehey dho keke
aslu vaahaka eh ei??? :O
shezzz maaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!:P
e burugaa naalhaa eyna kurimathee ulhunas maa rangalhu vaane kanneynge ehen ulhumah vuren!!!
n yeah...eki meehun gaboolu kuraa goi thafaathuvaane! so i copy n paste minige comment!
*minige comment highlight, ctrl + c, ctrl + v*
keeep posttinnnn umherrrrrrrr!!! :P
salaam its so hard to find people who think abt islam on this blogs..nice to meet sum...actually the word used by Allah Almighty in the quran is hijab which means complete covering of the body...but sum people think that if only the hair is coverd its enough..but who wud care abt the coverd hair if the whole body is naked hehehehe...may Allah guide us all to the straight path..aameen
salaam the problem with the community is not knowing the purpose of veil..and how important it is...im glad that u respect the way it shud be worn...heres a religious link to a religious guy hope ull listen to this ...its beutiful
i think she jus got kada kada hair, dats y she is jus using religion as an excuse not to show it, y else wud sm1 have sex which is completely haraam n then bring up religion on the other side..i wil settle for her havin bad hair o being bald o smthing of dat sort..hehe.tc. c ya sooooon
salaam amhar u gotta point y cover if u wanna commit zina...covering is as a means of keepig ones self chaste...no chastity no need to cover ;RIGHT;
thanks for the link anonymous..and yeah.u are rite ummkhadheeja.
mini said...
"komme meehakahves emeehaku amilla ah gabool kuraa kanthah thakuga hifahattaigen ulhuneema okay vaane..dont worry about others.. just look after ureself "
mini kihinei ehen ok vaanee Allah says "save ur self and ur family frm helfire"
and ekimeehun gaboolu kuraa goi thafaathuvaane ok but kihinei enmen gaboolu kuraa goi rangalhuvaanee
rangalhu vaanee hama enme gotheh gina goi thakeh rangalheh nuvane aslu sorce quran and sunna thah dhiyaama rangalhu vane
and mini beynun tha mini ge family nuvatha best frnd hell ah dhaan nuvaane so kihinei alhaanulaa dhookoh laanee and i heard emeehehgge amilla nafsah edheykanthah thah ehenmeehunna edhumah dhaan dhen eman kan furihama eh nuveyo so aharun pradise ah dhaan beynun vaahen ehenmeehunves dhaan edhen jehey noontha
About time someone spoke out...hehehe...nice post...enjoyed it...and the story is hilarious..hehehe...
dheenah ulhey meehun dhany mujuthamau in dhuvaheh dhuvahakah dhah vamun! ekamaa hithaama huri! Sarukarun ves mihaaru seedh dheenah gon jahany viyya mihaaru! anheneh ghazee akah ves is koffi! dheenah ulhen vejjeyya gaanoona eh gothakah nulhevey! gaanoonah ulhen vejjeyya dheenah nulhevey! (dont think im in the anti group! and im not with the sarukaaru either!) i know this isnt the topic discussed, just thought about bringing it up too!
yeah mini, ehenneh ok eh nuvaane ennu dho? dheen onnany kamaku! not to do what ever you think is right! it is true, your common sense also applies, but in a different perspective, right? you better apologize :)
the thing that is wrong isnt that you dont know! you take it too lightly. thats what i think anyway! you dont understand the circumstances well. But if i am to consider the story you have told...i cant understand her! actually it isnt logic.
i mean it is believing in half, but come on! thats one extreme to another! hama yageenun ves buruga negumaky rangalhu kmaeh noon kan engey kujjakah engeyne e kanthah kurumaky adhi maa nubai haram amaleh kan!
in normal things too, you shouldnt say i didnt know! you should try your best to know your religion as well as you could! kamaka medhu shakku vanya kan engey rangalhu meeheh kairy ahan vaane! that is sum thing which you are supposed to do!
any way, nice title you brought up! ^_^
my thoughts exactly
the conclusion i come to is that they need to believe what they believe to get through life (even if it is that stupid)
n if u r tryin to change that it would be messing them up
so its better to leave it alone n let them figure it out on their own
oh n by the way
i want to hear that dirty story :D
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