So lets see...
Three Things I Can't Do
1. Read Peoples mind!!
2. Smoke
3. Fly
Three Things I Can Do
1. Sit near a computer with internet
2. Eat alot
3. Play Ps2
Three Things That Scares Me
1. God
2. The Judgement Day
3. Loosing Sumone close to me.
Three Things I Love
1. Internet/computer/everything related :D
2. My family
3. Dear Friends ;)
Three Things I Hate
1. Thinking too much
2. doing exams
3. waiting
I Tag:
Free Spirit
Gudluk with it
FYI, even I tagged you. And that was on 14th July :P
is it? i didnt no dat.sorry sparky,, :P
Yeah, i can imagine... "waiting" really sucks at times. :(
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