i think thats not the real one? adhi mee temporary echennu ehemma not much importance will be given to it i guess dhen if someone wants to make an original one, they should volunteer and do it maybe you could help them right?
wel..i jus had a fylin. .pdf file download kohfa hama ekani text remove kohlaafa den huri echis hen jahaafa huri.the .pdf file is downloadble from the site.but it wudve been better if u hadnt used the same design.same concept wudve been a gud idea.hehe :p
and mini.ya i wud be glad to help if i had free time.but got lotsa work to go these days.
u wanna learn? u copy first... then imitate.. then create ur own.. cmon now.. how can sumvun learn anythin if there wsnt sumthin to learn frm... cool job the guy who did it! :D
hehe...dude...look at the colours of the glow...it's totally different..the glow lines ain't the same as well...you should try doing that tutorial...it's pretty hard getting that exact same glow... :)
i dont think thats a problem..learning from a tutorial isnt a problem and using them is neither. there are materials like these all over the internet bro.. even in global logos. so thats not at all a problem for me.
yeah i no we learn.but we do not copy other peoples work.be original.make ur own one.learnin is gud.doin the tutorial is gud.but usin the exact same thing.umm..actuali.anyone cud do tht.thats the problem.be unique.maybe learn the tutorial and use it in some onada form cudve been better.
yo dude...its not copying...i did the whole thing on my own and we just put it there till the website is up..it's temporary...and yes anyone could do that...it's called learning..try doing it to see whether you can get the exact same thing.. :)
and it's pretty 'uncool' what you did...not getting the facts straight and accausing the person who did that of 'copying'...it's a tutorial man...if you want to get some recognition for your work find a better way to do that..cheers :)
ooh.are u angry mail?learnin is gud.i already said it.but usin the same exact design?lol.anyways,i also try alot of tutorials.so i am sure i can get the same thing too.and btw.i arnt tyna get recognition for my work.and i dun think i accused u of anything.its clear.the design is the same.wel.lets jus say.the tutorial guided u to copy the design..cheers.
ya the tutorial is jus guide for u to learn, so if u had learnt well, u might as well have known how to use it in a different way or different colour combination, n if it was jus temporary , y bother puttin something from a tut, cud have put a simple one
oo zuvaabeh tha? both of u were rite! in my opinion, doing the same thing is okay, but as a liyef, it wud be better if its lil diferrent, colors and curves! It looks like the same thing editted/? cool down ;p
thi hurihaa sakaraatheh nujahaa Glow in thankolhu Liyefi ah badhalu kurevidhaane photoshop or corel photo paint in ves. tutorial in eythi hadhan ingunyma aa design akah hedhinama it wud have been really cool.. anyways nice work.. i love the design.. now tht the guy has potential to create it, i hope to c his own creation. cheers
yeah dhow! dhogehnoon.... asluves! hehe
hee hee
yeah..i did the tutorial...and modified it a bit...whats wrong with that? *shrug*
i think thats not the real one?
adhi mee temporary echennu
ehemma not much importance will be given to it i guess
dhen if someone wants to make an original one, they should volunteer and do it
maybe you could help them right?
"Jealousy fills up the fucked up mind"... Fred Durst.
wel..i jus had a fylin. .pdf file download kohfa hama ekani text remove kohlaafa den huri echis hen jahaafa huri.the .pdf file is downloadble from the site.but it wudve been better if u hadnt used the same design.same concept wudve been a gud idea.hehe :p
and mini.ya i wud be glad to help if i had free time.but got lotsa work to go these days.
u wanna learn? u copy first... then imitate.. then create ur own..
cmon now.. how can sumvun learn anythin if there wsnt sumthin to learn frm...
cool job the guy who did it! :D
umm..actually..theekee copy eh noon dho..it was a tutorial neway..so.. *shrug*
lol, yeah! not an EXACT copy.... well, the words aint the same! keke
hehe...dude...look at the colours of the glow...it's totally different..the glow lines ain't the same as well...you should try doing that tutorial...it's pretty hard getting that exact same glow... :)
i dont think thats a problem..learning from a tutorial isnt a problem and using them is neither.
there are materials like these all over the internet bro.. even in global logos. so thats not at all a problem for me.
yeah i no we learn.but we do not copy other peoples work.be original.make ur own one.learnin is gud.doin the tutorial is gud.but usin the exact same thing.umm..actuali.anyone cud do tht.thats the problem.be unique.maybe learn the tutorial and use it in some onada form cudve been better.
yo dude...its not copying...i did the whole thing on my own and we just put it there till the website is up..it's temporary...and yes anyone could do that...it's called learning..try doing it to see whether you can get the exact same thing.. :)
and it's pretty 'uncool' what you did...not getting the facts straight and accausing the person who did that of 'copying'...it's a tutorial man...if you want to get some recognition for your work find a better way to do that..cheers :)
ooh.are u angry mail?learnin is gud.i already said it.but usin the same exact design?lol.anyways,i also try alot of tutorials.so i am sure i can get the same thing too.and btw.i arnt tyna get recognition for my work.and i dun think i accused u of anything.its clear.the design is the same.wel.lets jus say.the tutorial guided u to copy the design..cheers.
ya the tutorial is jus guide for u to learn, so if u had learnt well, u might as well have known how to use it in a different way or different colour combination, n if it was jus temporary , y bother puttin something from a tut, cud have put a simple one
oo zuvaabeh tha?
both of u were rite! in my opinion, doing the same thing is okay, but as a liyef, it wud be better if its lil diferrent, colors and curves! It looks like the same thing editted/?
cool down ;p
hehe rulhi ey naadhey eyy...pispis..rulhi anna varu kamey tha eyee :D
hehe.sum jus like critisism :p
thi hurihaa sakaraatheh nujahaa Glow in thankolhu Liyefi ah badhalu kurevidhaane photoshop or corel photo paint in ves. tutorial in eythi hadhan ingunyma aa design akah hedhinama it wud have been really cool.. anyways nice work.. i love the design.. now tht the guy has potential to create it, i hope to c his own creation. cheers
lolx.... salhi ^^
they are soo busted :S
komme akas varah reethi :D
good you cant say that a copycat because its only a tutorial.
Well written article.
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