Sure lots of ppl had enjoyed the reading the mv blogs.but its sad that many of them is no longer with us(not dead.but quited/awayfrom the blogsphere) here i list down some of them.whom i no have had a blog that i enjoyed to read but no longer being updates.
: ralfer whoz been gone for more than 2 months.
:zaid who started and neva continued
:thought to be hacked.neva returned for more than a month
:naziya - no update for mo dan a month
:faseeh - no more updates due to no time.
:shaffaf - anouced dat he quited on september 17th
:ramy- dunno y
:sum-taking a break
:yukiks - no updates of the story for more than a month
:fureek - no updates for months!!
:The Nass - quited blogin
:areef - break.said cuming bak soon.but its been three months no update
:no updates.
: gone?
:sujau - jus anounced it
:.meefau who just anounced it.wonder if it is tru
have i missed any?. but..its not jus a few ppl..is the Mvblogsphere coming to an end?
hehehe, dhogehnoon! thihen kiyaairu AMHAR ves thee effaharu QUIT kuri meehennu! :P
Just because a bunch of quitters quit blogging, it doesn't mean it's the end of the blogosphere.
m back.arnt i? :p haha.
and anonymous, i arnt saying it "is" the end.it mite lead to an end.for loosin so many bloggers.komes kahala falhu kameh ves anaane dho
there are lots inactive blogs in this. Some gives 404 error
check : http://anuihs.blogspot.com/
lots r quiting also lots r joing dho
mvblogs admin shud update the list or categorize them into active and non active, then wud b easier to visit them from the blog list
mrmaldivian good idea ingey...
i dun think this may lead to an end...becox there r new commers like yaittey, dhiking, katey, n so on...its juss there r few fav of us and wen they quite we feel like it the end now..hehe..cheeeeeers..
ya.jus how i fyl.and i shud rite smthng to welcome the new bloggers.haha
yeah :/
yea lif xef said there are newcomers..
Mvblogsphere is never gonna die.. if i am alive ..
quit kuraa varah start ves kurey dho. ehen v ma i dnt think it will ever cum to n end
ill be blogging even if mvblogs quit.... whoz with me? yay...blogg blog bloggg.. i started bloggin even before mvblogs came.
woohoo..dats the spirit :p
let's hope it will not end.
u missed aesha AKA perky =) shee too quite joining the nass
rifu is just, "busy"
zaid said that he didn't get ideas
dunno what happened to free spirit.. everyone loved her blog
phatguy got bored i guess
sam is taking a break? :S
yukiks is busy too
fureeeeeku dho? hurey ahaalaafa bunaanan
aan areef :S gellijje.. :s buneema mi ihusaas v ves
dhen mini..
keevvetha gabool kuran dhathee?
vaa vaa.. ma ves mee ezzamaanehga blogareh dho... magey nan ves listakah araifi.. libunu ufalehge bodukamaa eve.. hehehe..
hey i didnt get bored!!i regularly visit most of the blogs..its just that i dont get any time now to blog...
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